Among illegal drugs , methamphetamine now has more users worldwide than cocaine and heroin combined 在非法毒品中,冰毒在世界范围内的影响已经超过了可卡因和海洛因。
Illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin are sold , purchased and used on the street , allowing virulent diseases like hiv to run rampant 街头上,触目可见古柯硷海洛因之类的非法毒品的买卖与使用,致使像hiv这种疾病愈发恣意泛滥不可收拾。
European demand for cocaine and heroin is rising fast and dealers , faced with intense scrutiny on familiar import routes , have been obliged to find new ones 欧洲对可卡因与海洛因的需求增涨迅猛,而且欧洲毒品贸易商也一直在寻求新的渠道,因为先前熟悉的进口渠道被严格地监督。
Among illegal drugs , methamphetamine now has more users worldwide than cocaine and heroin combined . that statement comes from the chief of the drug enforcement administration in the united states 在非法毒品中,吸食冰毒的人比可卡因和海洛因相加还要多.这个声明来自美国禁毒处主任
Cocaine and heroin are still our most dangerous drugs , but they are not the only ones with roots abroad . recent surveys of growing marijuana abuse among our youth are properly of great concern 一在美国大力支持之下,经济合作暨发展组织五月间在巴黎同意,每一会员国必须剔除海外贿款的税负扣除资格。